Terms of Use

A. Candidates

Each person searching on OZemployment as a potential candidate or applying for a position as a result of an Advertisement (a “Candidate”) agrees to the following terms and conditions:

1. Responsibility of Advertisements: The Candidate acknowledges that all Advertisements and their contents appearing on OZemployment are the responsibility of OZemployment.

2. Verification of Advertisements: It is the Candidate’s responsibility to ensure the genuineness of the advertisement and that the details provided to OZemployment are appropriate for the advertised role.

3. Protection of Log-On Details: The Candidate must take reasonable care to protect against unauthorized use of log-on details. OZemployment is not responsible for any unauthorized access to the Candidate’s stored information.

4. Genuine and Personal Capacity: The Candidate warrants that any responses to Advertisements or inquiries to an Advertiser are made as a genuine potential candidate in their personal, non-commercial capacity.

5. Indemnity: The Candidate indemnifies OZemployment from any claim, loss, or liability arising directly or indirectly from any personal details submitted.

6. Breach of Terms: OZemployment reserves the right to disable the Candidate’s log-on if they are found to be in breach of these Terms.

B. Clients, Other Users, or Visitors – General

The following terms and conditions apply to Candidates, Clients, and other users or visitors to OZemployment, referred to as “you”:

1. Copyright and Trademark: All content appearing on OZemployment is the copyright of OZemployment and is protected by the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). The OZemployment logo device is a trademark of OZemployment and must not be reproduced without permission.

2. Disclaimer of Warranties: The content and services provided on OZemployment are “as is” and without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. OZemployment will not be liable under any circumstances for any loss of profits, indirect, consequential, or incidental loss, damage, or injury.

3. Limitation of Liability: OZemployment does not take responsibility for any interruption to or inability to access the website, any inability to log-on or access your online account, or any matter beyond OZemployment’s control.

4. Online Conduct: You warrant that in accessing or visiting any user account, you will not introduce any virus or other malicious harmful or destructive code. Linking to OZemployment’s website is not permitted without written permission.

5. Advertising Endorsements: Any advertising appearing on the OZemployment website does not imply an endorsement or recommendation of the company’s products or services.

6. Privacy Policy: OZemployment collects personal information as described in our Privacy Policy, which forms part of the Terms.

7. Applicable Rights and Remedies: Nothing in the Terms of Use will exclude, restrict, or modify any rights or remedies you may have under any applicable Commonwealth, State, or Territory legislation that cannot be excluded, restricted, or modified by agreement.

8. Amendments to Terms: OZemployment may amend, revise, or replace the Terms from time to time.

9. Nothing in the Terms of Use will exclude, restrict or modify any rights or remedies which you may have under any applicable Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation which under such legislation cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by agreement. OZemployment may amend, revise or replace the Terms from time to time. These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Victoria, Australia. OZemployment may amend, revise or replace the Terms from time to time.